Minggu, 11 April 2010

Song :Apapun yang terjadi...

Apapun yang terjadi di dalam hiduku ini.
Selalu ku berkata, Tuhan Yesus baik
Dalam segala hal yang terjadi
Tetap ku berkata Tuhan Yesus baik....

Reff :
Kusembah Kau...
Kusembah Kau...
Tak dapat kumembalas kasih-Mu
Kusembah Kau...
Kusembah Kau..Bapa
Kurindu selalu menyenangkan-Mu

Yes, Jesus...Whatever happens in this life ... I'll still love you, I'll still praise you ...
I do not know what will happen in the future, but I'll continue to say that You did good...
Jesus taught me to continue to love You, bring me closer to You...
Jesus, i don't know how much word to describe Your Love..But, one thing for sure, You are the one and the most precious, the most important in my life now and forever...

Jesus, love You forever....^^

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